1. I am really moved by what you’ve written here, Victor, especially since I’ve been a grandparent for over 18 years. But I’m moved also by your comments on the ‘horrific lies’ done in God’s name. We only have to listen, as I did yesterday, to on the spot stories of incredibly brave people who are functioning as journalists or , in this case, a wonderful British surgeon who is working himself and teaching other brave surgeons in Syria at the moment. Assad and his military forces are dropping barrel bombs on their own population causing the most atrocious injuries to his own people, men women and children. This is all done deliberately and amounts to genocide. His actions are cleverly calculated to rid himself of those who oppose him. This is an Islamic State which purports to act in the name of God.

  2. Completely understand Vic. My 18 YO grand-daughter and her boyfriend just spent a couple of days with us in our new home. They gave US presents, drank glasses of mulled wine and a good time was had by ALL. Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to you.

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